For the educational rehabilitation of the hearing impaired children, with moderate to severe hearing loss, between the age of 3-6 years, a Pre-school was established in the year 1994 in the premises of the Centre with the capacity of over 250-300 students to undergo oral-auditory method of special education (in two shifts) to develop language and speech and to train them to join the national Curriculumat primary schools levelswith normal hearing children for further education.

From August 1994 till December 2022 a total of 5,583 hearing impaired children were enrolled and 967 graduated after acquiring pre-requisite skill in language and Speech to join various primary schools of the country. Many of these children are showing encouraging performancealong with the normal hearing children.

Students need to pay a very nominal amount as school fee. The poor ones are given free education or subsidized education or on Foster Parentship relations.

Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy, a specialty which was non-existent in the country, but essential for the educational rehabilitation of hearing impaired children and treatment of many conditions of voice and speech disorders.

SAHIC started the speech therapy department after training the Teachers of the Rosi Flower Integrated Pre-School (IPSHIC) for Hearing Impaired Children with the help of Speech Therapists from Germany and Great Britain. Presently the department is run by three trained Speech Therapists with the scope for further expansion. The training was also extended to the interested candidates from other non-governmental organizations all over the country. An workshop was conducted in October 2003 for the training of speech therapists with the financial support of World Health Organization (WHO), which was participated by 34 candidates.In 2008 two Speech Therapists were given 3 (three) months training at All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, Mysore, India to strengthen the skill and knowledge.

The cost of the training was borne out of Society’s fund. Under a special arrangement Bradford Royal Infirmary U.K. and DIG DEEP FOR BANGLADESH in U.K. offered training facilities to the Doctors of Bangladesh (both from our Centre as well as from the Government hospitals) and Speech Therapists/ audiologist of our Centre and the training program is continuing since 2004.

Delayed Speech Language (DSL)

Delayed speech and language (D.S.L) department of Rosi Flower integrated Pre-school for Hearing Impaired children (RF-IPSHIC) Provides services for Nero developmental disorder children, who are suffering from autism spectrum disorder, Down’s syndrome, Cerebral palsy, Intellectual disorder and attention Deficit Hyperactive disorder. Since 2005 in 8 Class rooms by 6 teachers 80 delayed speech and language children are getting training. Besides this the D.S.L children are getting art and a music therapy by an art and a music teacher. For their training there is a detailed syllabus for their complete training. For gross and fine motor development, indoor and outdoor game observed. For their mental development a digital class room in used. Multidisciplinary team including Doctor, Teacher of Special Education, Psychologist, Audiologist, Speech Therapist, Music & Art Therapist with collaboration of parents provide services for every DSL students.

Admission process took place during October to December every year through an Admission Committee to identify to appropriate hearing impaired and DSL children.

Besides Special Education with the help of hearing aids, Therapeutic services like as speech therapy, Occupational therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Music and Art therapy, Fine & gross motor game therapy, Sensory Integration therapy were provided to them.

SAHIC Authority provides free tiffin to all the students.

Admission Process

Session – 01

1 Application From Correction& Processing 01 Oct – 30 Nov
2 Admission Confirmation (Including Medical Checkup) 01-15 December  
3 Completion of Admission Procedure by Parents 16-31 December
4 Class Begins 01 January

Session – 02

1 Application From Correction& Processing 15 April – 15 June
2 Admission Confirmation (Including Medical Checkup) 16-25 June  
3 Completion of Admission Procedure by Parents 26-30 June
4 Class Begins 01 July

Admission Information and Form